IEEE OPTICAL COMMUNICATION PROJECTS 2019-20 2019 – 2020 S.No TITLE DOMAIN YEAR 1. Ultra-compact 40-Channel Arrayed Waveguide Grating on Silicon Nitride Platform at 860 nm Optical Communication 2019 2. Monte-Carlo Integration Models for Multiple Scattering Based Optical Wireless Communication Optical Communication 2019 3. Modeling and Experimental Study of The...

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IEEE MATLAB SIGNAL PROCESSING PROJECTS 2019-20 2019 – 2020 2018 – 2019 S.No TITLE DOMAIN YEAR 1. Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea using Speech Signals from Awake Subjects Signal Processing 2019 2. Triple-Classification of Respiratory Sounds Using Optimized S-Transform and Deep Residual Networks Signal Processing 2019 3. An Assessment...

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DIPLOMA PROJECTS 2016-17 Code TITLE YEAR SDVL-01 Area-Efficient Fixed-Width Squarer with Dynamic Error-Compensation Circuit 2015 SDVL-01 Area-Efficient Fixed-Width Squarer with Dynamic Error-Compensation Circuit 2015

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IEEE MECHANICAL ANALYSIS PROJECTS 2018-19 Code TITLE YEAR SDIMP-01 Design and Finite element analysis of Four stroke engine fins with three types of modified design 2018 SDIMP-02 Analysis and modification of design in Disc brake using ANSYS 2018 SDIMP-03 Analysis of flywheel rotational stresses using ANSYS 2018 SDIMP-04 FEA...

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IEEE NS2/NS3 Projects 2019-20 2019 – 2020 2018 – 2019 S.No TITLE DOMAIN YEAR 1 An efficient WSN based solution for border surveillance WSN 2019 2 A Probabilistic Source Location Privacy Protection Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks WSN 2019 3 CPSLP: A Cloud-Based Scheme for Protecting Source-Location Privacy in...

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IEEE JAVA PROJECTS 2018-19 CODE TITLE DOMAIN YEAR SDJP-01 OTPaaS-one time password as a service Cloud Computing 2018 SDJP-02 A Key-Policy Attribute-Based Temporary Keyword Search scheme for Secure Cloud Storage Cloud Computing 2018 SDJP-03 Dynamic VM Scaling: Provisioning and Pricing through an Online Auction Cloud Computing 2018 SDJP-04 Efficient...

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IEEE .NET PROJECTS 2016-17 CODE TITLE DOMAIN YEAR SDVL-01 A Secure and Dynamic Multi-keyword Ranked Search Scheme over Encrypted Cloud Data Cloud Computing 2016 SDVL-02 Circuit Cipher text-policy Attribute-based Hybrid Encryption with Verifiable Delegation in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing 2016 SDVL-03 Conjunctive Keyword Search with Designated Tester and Timing...

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Nulla iaculis turpis in nibh aliquam maximus. In dignissim arcu vel diam scelerisque, pretium urna

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